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Junior Scholar Office (WiN-UBT) - WiN Academy and University of Bayreuth Graduate School

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Once a year all members of the University of Bayreuth Graduate School are asked to elect up to four representatives from their midst to speak for them in university bodies and be their starting point for getting support with arising issues or questions.

Promovierendenvertretung 2024/2025: Michelle Hartbauer, Simon Mertel, Tasmai Paul, Felix Pfaff

Your Representatives for the Year 2024/25

(July 2024 to June 2025)


Simon Mertel (Faculty I | Computer Science)

Michelle Hartbauer (Faculty VI | Materials Science)
Tasmai Paul (BayNAT | Chemistry)
Felix Pfaff (Faculty II | Biology)

Contact: reps.graduateschool@uni-bayreuth.de

Activities and Goals

  • Representation of the interests of doctoral candidates on the UBTGS Board, Research Associates’ Council and Senate (as a guest)
  • Connecting with the Network of Doctoral Representatives in Bavaria (“Landesnetzwerk der Promovierendenvertretungen in Bayern”, LaProBay)
  • Presentation of activities at Kick-Off seminars for new members
  • Organisation of various networking opportunities
    • Regular Stammtische / Get-Together
    • Promote exchange for a healthy working environment during the doctorate and facilitate contact and exchange with regional companies (e.g., in cooperation with other service and contact points within the University of Bayreuth)

Instagram: ubt_graduateschool_reps

WhatsApp: We have a WhatsApp group with current information on Stammtische and events. Since your number is visible for other members of the group, you can get the link upon request under reps.graduateschool@uni-bayreuth.de

Webmaster: Dipl.-Ing. Iris Hetz

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