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Junior Scholar Office (WiN-UBT) - WiN Academy and University of Bayreuth Graduate School

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*Career Goals

28. February 2019
B 11

Time: 9:30am - 5:30pm

Trainer: Dr. Matthias Schwarzkopf
Language: English
Registration: until 14 February 2019
for doctoral candidates via BayDOChttps://baydoc.uni-bayreuth.de
for Postdocs and Habilitierende via https://baydoc.uni-bayreuth.de/ubt/de/intern/postdoc/

Careers in German universities and research institutes are difficult. Towards the end of your PhD or at the beginning of your postdoctoral years you need to decide whether you like to continue your career up to the professor or if you leave academia. This step is difficult to the biggest part of PhD-students because until then they did not find or try alternative career paths. 

During the workshop we will first find out which competencies you have gained until now. Based on your competencies we will explore the academic and non-academic labour market and develop ideas of job profiles that fit you. You will receive an introduction to the job search and learn to know relevant job listings. Furthermore we will discuss if it might be an alternative to start your own business.

Qualification objective                                                                                                                                                    Learning how to create ideas to find career goals and job opportunities that fit you.

Trainer                                                                                                                                                                             Matthias Schwarzkopf is a counsellor and trainer for scientists. He counsels them in all questions concerning their career within and outside academia. He has been responsible for the process of appointing new professors in Jena university. He is co-founder of karriereberatung-akademiker.de.

* Anrechenbarkeit der Veranstaltung im Rahmen des Auftaktseminars

Webmaster: Eva Querengässer

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