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Junior Scholar Office (WiN-UBT) - WiN Academy and University of Bayreuth Graduate School

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*Start the Dialogue, Open Up Science! Introduction to Science Communication and Public Engagement (Doctoral Candidates, Postdocs)

15. - 16. December 2021

Time: 1:00pm - 5:00pm (15.12.)
           9:00am - 1:00pm (16.12.)

Trainer: Dr. Annette Klinkert
: English                                                                                                                                                     Qualification Area: ...
from October 4th until December 1st 2021
for doctoral candidates via BayDOC
or Postdocs via  WiN-UBT Portal

The interdisciplinary and interactive training invites early career researchers to gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the cross-cutting fields of science communication and public engagement. Participants will gain competences with a strong relevance for academic and non-academic career paths, as well as for the acquisition of national and international funding.

Qualification Goals

  • learn how to plan strategic communication and engagement activities related to their research topic.
  • develop skills and discover practical tools for engaging multiple target audiences and stakeholders with research.
  • a major goal of the training will be to enable participants to develop a communication strategy related to their individual research topic and to communicate key messages to diverse audiences in a clear and effective way.

Dr. Annette Klinkert is an internationally experienced workshop facilitator, trainer and science communicator. Since 2012 she is CEO of city2science (www.city2science.de), a German company developing innovative communication approaches connecting scientific institutions with urban and regional development strategies. Over the last 15 years Annette Klinkert has initiated and conceptualized multiple EU projects related to public engagement. She has created and organized a number of large-scale science communication formats across Germany, such as the science festivals GENIALE, FameLab Germany, WissensNacht Ruhr, MakerFaire Ruhr and Expedition Wissenschaft Paderborn. Since 2016, Annette Klinkert is the Executive Director of the European Science Engagement Association EUSEA, an international network of more than 120 science organisations, science festivals, foundations and public institutions (www.eusea.info).

*Creditability within the kick-off seminar

For reasons of respect and fairness towards all participants and the workshop leaders, participants who miss more than 10% of the workshop are considered not to be present. You will therefore not receive a certificate and you will not be able to use the workshop in question to unlock funds or acquire further qualifications.

Webmaster: Signe Schönborn

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