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Junior Scholar Office (WiN-UBT) - WiN Academy and University of Bayreuth Graduate School

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Winter Semester Program

Winter Semester Program

Our new qualification program is online. Detailed information about the workshops can be found in the database. We look forward to seeing you!  ...more

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Career Consultation

We would like to encourage you to consider career perspectives within and outside academia from an early stage. In addition to career orientation workshops, we offer individual career counseling for junior scholars.   ...more

Representatives of the UBTGS for 2024 to 2025

Representatives of Doctoral Candidates

The doctoral candidates representatives introduce themselves: Michelle Hartbauer (Faculty VI | Materials Science), Simon Mertel (Faculty I | Computer Science), Felix Pfaff (Faculty II | Biology) and Tasmai Paul (BayNAT | Chemistry).  ...more


Grammarly Licenses

Members of the Graduate School and the WiN-Academy can use Grammarly to check their English texts for grammar, expression and spelling.  ...more

A woman is reading a newspaper

News for Early Career Researcher

News with current calls and events for early career researcher can be found here  ...more

WiN Academy - Support for Junior Scholars of all Career Levels

Supporting junior scholars is of great importance for the University of Bayreuth. The Junior Scholar Office (WiN-UBT) accompanies all junior career levels, from doctoral candidates in the University of Bayreuth Graduate School up to tenure track professors in the WiN Academy. We are convinced that the assistance of junior scholars is fundamental for successful research. Therefore, we support all junior scholars with training, funding and guidance.

Junior scholars face a variety of challenges: scientific excellence, data management and analysis, presentation techniques, teaching, project management and an overall high workload. Additionally, they need to decide whether to stay in academia and prepare for their career after the doctorate or postdoc. The WiN Academy offers information and a wide training programme specifically tailored to Junior Scholars and their responsibilities and aspirations.

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