Gerald D. Feldman-Travel Grant, Application Deadline 8th Oct 2021
28th October 2021
Scholars in the humanities and social sciences can apply for Gerald D. Feldmann travel grants until Oct. 8, 2021. Scholars will conduct a research project of their own choosing in at least two and up to three host countries of the institutes and field offices of the Max Weber Foundation or the Richard Koebner Minerva Center for German History.
Grants have a total duration of up to three months. The stays (a maximum of one month per host country, shorter stays are also possible) are for research, especially in libraries or archives. It is expected that transnational or transregional studies will emerge that will give new and original impulses to research. The research stays should be completed within 12, but not more than 24 months.
Applications are open to highly qualified humanities scholars and social scientists of any nationality (last degree at least Master, Magister, Staatsexamen, Diplom) who already have publications to their credit and can present a research plan. Applications whose projects fit the research profile of the institutes/subsidiaries of the Max Weber Foundation will be given priority.
Detailed information can be found here.