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Junior Scholar Office (WiN-UBT) - WiN Academy and University of Bayreuth Graduate School

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*A Different Approach to Job Hunting

9 - 10 July 2018

Time: 9am - 5pm

Trainer: Rob Thompson
Language: English
Registration: until 26 June 2018
for doctoral candidates via BayDoc: https://baydoc.uni-bayreuth.de
for Postdocs and Habilitierende via https://baydoc.uni-bayreuth.de/ubt/de/intern/postdoc/

This workshop will provide an alternative to the usual CV / Covering letter method of job hunting. You probably spend at least a half of your waking time at work. It is really important that you get the right job. A job that uses your skills, working with people you connect with.

Many people job hunt with a CV and covering letters. While this method works after a time, it is not the most effective way for highly intelligent and highly qualified people to find positions.

The workshop will teach you alternative methods to the usual and well-known ways of job hunting. Methods that will allow you to:

  • Access the hidden job market of unadvertised positions
  • Reliably find an institute or company and position within it that is right for you
  • Actively manage the progress of your search (rather than send your CV and hope for a positive response)
  • Give yourself the edge over others who use the more traditional methods of CV and covering letter
  • Become the “preferred candidate” or even have positions created specifically for you.
  • Gather the information needed to aid the job hunt and salary negotiations
  • Job hunt in a way that is interesting and not demoralising

Please note: This workshop will not be about how to create a great CV and/or fill in online applications.

The workshop will include practise interviews and a section on improving self-confidence to help you remain motivated.

The workshop draws on the personal experience of all participants as well as that of the trainer; the agenda of the workshop is flexible and set by the attendees thereby ensuring that the training is specific for and relevant to the participants’ individual needs. The workshop will be a structured discussion forum to facilitate ideas and develop strategies.

The workshop will be very interactive. Expect to be asked lots of questions, expect to be challenged, expect to participate!

Qualification objective
Participants will gain a deep understanding of the whole job hunting / recruitment process and so actively manage the process from start to finish. By learning methods other than just CV and covering letter, participants will be able to access the hidden job markat and also gain the edge when applying for advertised positions.

* Anrechenbarkeit der Veranstaltung im Rahmen des Auftaktseminars

Webmaster: Eva Querengässer

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