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Early Career Researchers' Week & Event "Research in Europe"


Early Career Researchers' Week 1. – 5. April 2019

From April 1 – 5,  2019, University of Bayreuth will host the Early Career Researchers’ Week. The week targets doctoral candidates as well as postdoctoral researchers and assistant professors.

During this week, we will offer various workshops on research funding, grant proposal writing, funding opportunities etc.
The courses are open to all Junior Researchers of the University of Bayreuth. Please register via email for the courses:

Members of the University of Bayreuth Graduate School can register as usual via Baydoc:

Event "Research in Europe" 3. April 2019

At its heart, on Wednesday April 3rd, the one day information event for young researchers “Research in Europe” takes place at UBT campus. Various funding institutions such as the European Research CouncilGerman Research FoundationGerman Academic Exchange ServiceAlexander von Humboldt FoundationLeibniz AssociationFraunhofer AssociationHelmholtz AssociationMax Planck Society, Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing offer a compact overview on the current funding opportunities at national level as well as at European level. The different research and funding organizations present their programmes and institutions on campus and provide help with the successful proposal and application writing.The speakers are available during the whole information day to answer individual questions.

The presentations will be held in English and are designed for advanced students, doctoral candidates, postdocs and multipliers. Two separate sections present funding programmes for doctoral students and postdocs. Participation is free of charge.

Please register (mandatory):

Registration link: https://bit.ly/2CkGwR4

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