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Servicestelle WiN-UBT - WiN Academy und University of Bayreuth Graduate School

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Representatives of Doctoral Candidates - Summary 2020/21


The current legislative period of the representatives has come to an end this June and we would like to look back on our work during the past year. Although covid-19 did not make it easy for us, we managed to give the members of the graduate school opportunities for socializing and networking. We transferred our popular “Promovierendenstammtisch” into the world of Zoom using quizzes combined with breakout sessions. Looking into the future, we hope that the Promovierendenstammtisch persists and the upcoming meet-ups can take place at the beer garden again.

The most important topic during the last year certainly was the new “Hochschulinnovationsgesetz” (HIG) which aims to modernize the Bavarian academic landscape. Due to the underrepresentation of the group of doctoral candidates within the HIG, we joined an initiative of the TUM and FAU to build a new Bavarian network of doctoral representations together with the doctoral representatives of other Bavarian universities. In April, we officially formed the network of doctoral representation called “Landesnetzwerk der Promovierendenvertretungen in Bayern” (LaProBay). Together we worked on a position paper regarding the HIG with the aim to highlight critical aspects concerning doctoral students of Bavarian universities. You can find the positions paper under the following link: https://blogs.fau.de/proko/files/2021/06/stellungnahme-des-laprobay-zum-bayhig.pdf

We would like to thank all of the doctoral candidates who gave us their trust for the opportunity to represent you. If you have any further questions or problems, please feel free to contact us via E-Mail or in person.

Andreas, Daniel & Thorsten

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