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Stammtisch der Promovierenden - special “Stammtisch” event,  26.08.2021

13.08.2021  Dear fellow PhD students, Summer is coming back this week! We are therefore happy to announce a special “Stammtisch” event that will take place as an in-person meeting in the Theta Biergarten on the 23rd of August (if the weather allows it).  We would like to combine the classical “Stammtisch” with a short hike to the Theta starting at the Bürgerreuth (1h, ca. 4km one way). We will therefore meet at the Bürgerreuth at 4:45 pm. Alternatively, in case you do not feel like hiking, you are welcome to join the “Stammtisch” at the Theta round about 6 pm. It is essential for us that you sign up for this event and let us know if you want to join both, “Stammtisch” and hike, or only for the “Stammtisch”. To do so, write an e-mail to vertreter.graduateschool@uni-bayreuth.de until the 20th of August. You will then receive a confirmation and updates regarding the meeting location details and the weather situation.The “Stammtisch” is a good opportunity to meet other PhD students and get interesting insights into their work in an informal, relaxed atmosphere. We are looking forward to meet you there! Your representative Daniel, Franziska, Özge & Thorsten

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