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Special Call for WiN-UBT Conference Grants - Deadline September 30, 2022.

August 10, 2022

In the CONFERENCE GRANTS funding line, the University of Bayreuth provides funding for its junior researchers to organize independently initiated conferences or workshops.

The funding covers the organization of events at the University of Bayreuth, such as

  •     Conferences and workshops (preferably international).
  •     independent partial events (sessions) that take place within the framework of larger conferences at the University of Bayreuth (e.g. annual meeting of scientific societies).

Reimbursement of costs up to a maximum of 10,000 € per event can be applied for.

Eligible to apply are regular members or scholarship holders of the University of Bayreuth

  •     in the early or late postdoc phase (usually up to six years of scientific work after the doctorate, i.e. doctorate in 2016 or later),
  •     Heads of junior research groups,
  •     post-doctoral researchers and
  •     junior professors.

The application deadline is September 30, 2022.

Further information is available here (only available in German).

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