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Deadline 09 January: Fulbright-Cottrell Award

09. November 2022

With the Fulbright-Cottrell Award, Fulbright Germany honors excellent research in combination with outstanding teaching in the fields of chemistry, physics and astronomy. The funding is awarded for a three-year period to selected young scientists who implement integrated teaching and research projects at their German university/science institution. Successful applicants will receive funding of 63,000 € for a three-year project that integrates pioneering research with creative teaching in their respective fields. The award also includes an additional 5,000 € for participation in the annual Cottrell Scholar Conference in Tucson, Arizona, as well as engagement in a transatlantic network of like-minded “teacher-scholars.”


  • German citizenship (In addition and exceptionally, other citizenship if applicant’s “center of life” (Lebensmittelpunkt) is in Germany)
  • Completed doctorate in chemistry, physics or astronomy
  • Proven primary affiliation with a German university/research institute at which the project is hosted during the entire award period (3 years)

 Detailed information can be found on the website.

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