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Write around the Clock and Globe – Writing Event for Doctoral Candidates in the Bayreuth Network


The Gateway Offices in Bordeaux, Melbourne and Shanghai together with the University of Bayreuth Graduate School hosted the workshop series “Write around the Clock and Globe” for doctoral candidates of the global Bayreuth network.

Collage von Bildern und Screenshots der Workshop Reihe

In four workshops more than 45 international PhD candidates based in Germany, France, China and Australia came together to focus on writing skills and learn from professional writing coaches as well as from their peers.  

Sessions focused on:

  • How to regain momentum after a writing break
  • How to set realistic and motivating writing goals
  • How to overcome perfectionism
  • How to get into the right mental space and find your motivation
  • How to write a concise literature review
  • How to deal with distractions and set the scene for a perfect/productive workspace
  • How to improve productivity
  • How to nourish your brain and body

The final event was a hybrid writing event around the globe adding up to a 24 h writing relay across time zones. Participants chose their most productive time and wrote in a group setting via Zoom or on campus in Bayreuth or Melbourne. Focused writing sessions alternated with short breaks, a relaxing yoga session, snacks and networking. We are proud to say that we managed to keep the relay going for 19,5 hours straight. 

About the Hosts:

The University of Bayreuth’s Gateway Offices in Bordeaux, Melbourne and Shanghai serve as contact points to support the exchange of Bayreuth’s students, researchers and instructors. They enhance cooperation in research and teaching, establish and maintain contacts with institutions in science and industry, and manage the University of Bayreuth’s networks in their respective regions.

The University of Bayreuth Graduate School supports doctoral candidates of all disciplines and provides necessary services surrounding a doctorate. Membership is open to all doctoral candidates of the faculties and graduate centres of the University of Bayreuth. The aim of the University of Bayreuth Graduate School is to foster an international, national and interdisciplinary network and to ensure and further develop university-wide quality standards during the doctorate.

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