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Representatives of Doctoral Candidates - Summary 2023/24


Dear fellow doctoral candidates,

Another year has ended, so we want to look back at the legislative period 2023/2024. With the introduction of an Instagram channel and a WhatsApp group, the number of participants in our events increased, leading to many connections between the doctoral candidates of the University of Bayreuth. We are also delighted that organizing a get-together every month was possible.

With various events, ranging from meeting up for dinner, having a barbecue, going out for a pub crawl, meeting for a board game night, to a bowling night, we wanted to provide suitable events for everybody. We especially want to mention a Show Me event at the Kulmbach Campus. We gathered a look behind the scenes of the newly created faculty. Furthermore, with the invited speaker, Anja Glenk, we emphasized the mental health issues in academia.

This year, there is no news from the “Landesnetzwerk der Promovierendenvertretungen in Bayern” (LaProBay) because the “Bundesverband Promovierende“ was founded to join the voices of all doctoral candidates in Germany. Speaking of voices, as your representatives, we participated in the academic senate and the Research Associates’ Council (Konvent der wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeitenden und Promovierenden). Our legislation period was mainly dominated by the effects of the “Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz” (BayHIG), as many formal things in the university business had to be revised according to the law.

In the end, we thank all the people accompanying us on the way. Furthermore, we want to invite all doctoral candidates to actively participate in enhancing the life and experience of doctoral candidates. You can start by connecting to other people at the get-together or sharing experiences, e.g., through the Show Me format. We encourage every one of you to get in touch with the representatives of the Graduate School to contribute to improving the doctoral experience!

Sincerely yours

Alireza, Christina, Eva, Muhadj, and Tobias

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