Postdoc options at UBT and abroad (Doctoral candidates & Postdocs+)
22. June 2023
Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm
Trainers: Dr. Ursula Higgins, Dr. Immanuel Zitzmann
Language: English
Registration: 22. May until 11. June 2023
Deregistration: until 11. June 2023
for members of the University of Bayreuth Graduate School via BayDOC
for Postdocs, habilitation candidates and junior professos (with and without Tenure Track) via WiN-UBT Portal
If you are not a member or registered at the WiN-UBT or BayDOC portal and would like to participate, please send an e-mail to event.graduateschool@uni-bayreuth.de.
This information session is aimed at advanced Phd students and researchers at the beginning of their postdoc phase. During the event, we would like to give you an overview and orientation on the current funding lines for the postdoc phase. This concerns funding programmes to carry out research at UBT as well as funding for research abroad.
We will give you a brief overview on German and European funding institutions as well as funding from the state of Bavaria and relevant foundations. In particular, we will look at:
- Individual research grants of DFG
- Walter Benjamin programme
- Emmy Noether programme
- Heisenberg programme
- Research projects of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation
- Humboldt postdoctotal fellowship
- Feodor-Lynen postdoctoral fellowship
- Internatinal junior research group in the Elitenetzwerk Bayern
- Maria Sklodowska-Curie Action Postdoctoral Fellowship
- ERC Starting Grant and ERC Consolidator Grant
For reasons of respect and fairness towards all participants and the workshop leaders, participants who miss more than 10% of the workshop are considered not to be present. You will therefore not receive a certificate and you will not be able to use the workshop in question to unlock funds or acquire further qualifications.
Before your register, please confirm with your supervisor/employer that you are free to participate in the course on that date.