Guest Talk "Balance and Joy: Key Ingredients for a Successful Doctoral Journey", General Assembly & Pub Night
14 May 2024
H33 (AI) & Glashaus

Registration is not mandatory, UBTGS members can register via BayDOC to get a reminder shortly before the event.
Guest Talk by Anja Glenk | Balance and Joy: Key Ingredients for a Successful Doctoral Journey
- 6:30 pm (H33, Applied Informatics)
The talk will elaborate on stressors that are particularly common in academia and how to deal with them. Anja has been holding workshops and private consultations to PhD students and Postdocs, focusing on regaining joy and balance in the daily grind that is the research lab. She will be sharing her thoughts and methods for inspiring people into reducing pressure and rediscovering their passion, which is the reason they started the journey to begin with.

© Anja Glenk, Lab Balance
About the speaker:
Anja Glenk - Advisor for researchers, coach & motivator
Anja is a motivational speaker, an advisor and coach to both research institutions, such as TU Dresden, Max Planck Institutes, The European Zebrafish Society, and private people alike. She is the developer of the Lab Balance method for a successful academic journey, focusing on PhD students and Postdocs.
With over 20 years of experience in the academic sector, in positions ranging in diversity across numerous
disciplines, Anja has seen the turbulence that is academic life and found a way to navigate through it, making it a less stressful and enjoyable journey.
General Assembly | Hosted by Representatives
- Directly after the talk (H33, Applied Informatics)
The representatives of the doctoral candidates briefly introduce their work followed by a short Q&A session regarding the next election in June. As a representative, you can actively participate in discussions concerning circumstances of the doctorate at the University of Bayreuth Graduate School Board meetings, the Senate (guest) and Research Associates’ Council and shape conditions for future doctoral cohorts. If you are interesed in becoming one of our next representatives, please contact reps.graduateschool@uni-bayreuth.de.

Pub Night | Glashaus
- 8 pm (Baracke 6, next to GEO building)
Afterwards, we invite you to join us for a causal get together at the Glashaus. All doctoral candidates, future doctoral candidates and everybody who wants to have a good time is welcome.